
The Nurse Medic symbol is the merge of two medical crosses and was designed to give a respectable nod to the individual who has been licensed in both pre-hospital and hospital-based services. If this brand could talk it would say something to the effect of, “I’m here to help, regardless of what side you are on, your heritage or religion, oh and please don’t shoot.” The merged symbols have impressive individual histories, and I added the links below if you want an in-depth look. When I built the symbol, I had the following things in mind.

The blue Star of Life represents the Paramedic and has been used to identify prehospital emergency care and Emergency Medical Services. Created by the National Highway Traffic Administration (NHTSA), The six pointed cross represents the functions of EMS, Detection, Reporting, Response, On-Scene Care, Care in Transit, and Transfer to Definitive Care. The staff of Asclepius (single rod and snake) references the God of medicine and healing.

The Red Cross represents the Registered Nurse and is used universally to identify medical supplies, services, and aid rendering personnel. It originates from the Swiss business man Mr. Henry Dunant who witnessed the aftermath of war in the late 1800’s and wanted a way to help the wounded. He recruited volunteers that were trained to provide aide on the battlefield. Years later Dunant’s organization, the International Committee of the Red Cross adopted an inverted Swiss flag giving respect to Mr. Dunant’s heritage and his founding efforts. Around the same time in America, a former teacher, Mrs. Clara Barton (The Angel of the Battlefield) provided food and supplies to Union Soldiers, in the late 1860s she went on vacation to Europe and heard about the International Committee of the Red Cross. She adopted the concept and expanded it to include relief efforts from natural disaster and is the founder of the American Red Cross.

The Caduceus, or staff entwined by the two serpents in the center of the Nurse Medic brand is actually not the medical symbol it’s commonly mistaken and used for (The actual medical/healing symbol is the single staff and snake known as the Rod of Asclepius), BUT, the Caduceus has a really cool background story and I felt it was a perfect fit for the merged professions. (I love the mythology)

The Caduceus is actually the symbol of the Greek God Hermes, famous for his diplomatic skills but also a clever and mischievous being who is commonly depicted with wings on his sandals. He is known as the messenger and symbolizes the crossing of realms with stories of leading souls to the river of styx in the underworld. In one of his stories Hermes tried to stop a fight between two snakes and threw a staff at them, the snakes entwined themselves around it and the staff became known as the Caduceus.

I feel this story is relatable to the Nurse Medic Brand as the two professions are both licensed in patient care but have very different practicing “realms,” both are handlers in transitions from this life to the afterlife and both are experts in their respective settings but would not be able to comfortably trade places with the other profession without additional training. The Caduceus brings together both professions even if they don’t always see eye to eye.

So in summary, I’m proud of the dual license and If you are a fellow Nurse Medic, may your friendships stay mischievous, professional interactions diplomatic, travels safe and swift, care always be the best of both worlds, and your transitions to the afterlife peaceful.

With Great Respect,
Mrs. Nurse Medic


If you’re interested in a patch, I have hook and loop patches available at

If you’re interested in reading more about the specific symbols and where they came from check out these sites.

Asclepius - New World Encyclopedia<br /><br />
Things you don’t learn in medical school: Caduceus (

Hermes - World History Encyclopedia